
Refund Policy

Since your item is custom, there are usually no refunds. The only time a refund can be honored is if your item has been inaccurately executed (in terms of spelling, color, or sizing) by our manufacturer. You will be contacted if there is a delay because of a rare mistake like this. You have two options in this situation: get a refund or wait for your item to be remade and shipped to you. If you opt for a refund, we will refund you and give you $10 off any purchase for the inconvenience. If you wait for your order to be remade and shipped, we will give you $20 off any purchase. There are no refunds for non-custom orders.

If you accidentally misspell the name or customization for your personalized item(s), we are not liable and will not issue a refund. However, if you notice a mistake after you have placed your order, contact us immediately so we can try to make the change before you item enters production. Please be careful when inputting your name or customization. Double-checking the spelling of everything is our number one rule.